autor: dice111 » 05 wrz 2016, 17:38
grupa chyba 76 - partronik, wg schematu:
0 X X X X X X : Always
0 X X X X X : Without fingerprint identification, without visual parking system
1 X X X X X : With fingerprint identification, without visual parking system
2 X X X X X : Without fingerprint identification, with visual parking system
3 X X X X X : With fingerprint identification, with visual parking system
0 X X X X : Without trailer hitch, without rear-view camera
1 X X X X : With trailer hitch, without rear-view camera
2 X X X X : Without trailer hitch, with rear-view camera
3 X X X X : With trailer hitch, with rear-view camera
0 X X X: Manual
1 X X X: Automatic gearbox
0 X X: ECE countries
1 X X: Single Frame ECE countries (12-cylinder engine)
2 X X: USA
3 X X: Single Frame USA (12-cylinder engine)
0 X: Saloon
8 : A8 2003E
Coding example:
A8 2003E, Saloon, ECE country, automatic gearbox, with trailer hitch, without rear-view camera, with fingerprint identification, without visual parking aid system
wiec druga cyfre na 2 lub 3, w zaleznosci czy masz odcisk palca czy nie
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