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[D2 ALL ] Sprężyny A8 - oznaczenia

Forum Audi A8
Forum Audi A8
Posty: 85
Rejestracja: 16 maja 2009, 14:27
Lokalizacja: D1

[D2 ALL ] Sprężyny A8 - oznaczenia

Post autor: Lukasz_ » 04 sie 2009, 17:35

(34) 4D0411105AG

coil spring / 2 paint marks / F >> 4D-T-011 000*
violet / 5-speed man. gearbox: AAH,AEJ
(34) 4D0411105BP

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 2 paint marks / F 4D-T-011 001>> 4D-W-020 000
brown violet / 5-speed man. gearbox: AAH,AEJ
(34) 4D0411105CT

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 2 paint marks / F 4D-X-000 001>>
violet orange / 6 cylinder: PR-1BA/0JD; PR-1BG/0JD; PR-1BM/0JD; PR-1BN/0JD
(34) 4D0411105CT

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 2 paint marks / F 4D-X-000 001>>
violet orange / 8 cylinder: PR-1BA/0JE; PR-1BG/0JE; PR-1BM/0JE; PR-1BN/0JN
(34) 4D0411105CT

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 2 paint marks / F 4D-X-000 001>>
violet orange / diesel eng., 6 cylinder: PR-1BA/0JE; PR-1BG/0JE; PR-1BM/0JE; PR-1BN70JE
(34) 4D0411105AH

coil spring / 3 paint marks / F >> 4D-T-008 500*
violet / 4 speed automatic: AAH,AEJ air condit., 5-speed man. gearbox: AAH,AEJ
(34) 4D0411105AH

coil spring / 3 paint marks / F >> 4D-T-011 000*
violet / 5-speed man. gearbox: ACK
(34) 4D0411105BQ

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 3 paint marks / F 4D-T-011 001>> 4D-V-020 000
brown violet / 5-speed man. gearbox: ACK
(34) 4D0411105DA

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 3 paint marks / F 4D-X-000 001>>
violet orange / 6 cylinder: PR-1BA/0JE, PR-1BG/0JE; PR-1BM/0JE; PR-1BN/0JE; PR-1BT/0JD
(34) 4D0411105DA

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 3 paint marks / F 4D-X-000 001>>
front violet orange / 8 cylinder: PR-1BA/0JF; PR-1BG/0JF; PR-1BM/0JF; PR-1BN/0JF; PR-1BT/0JE
(34) 4D0411105DA

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 3 paint marks / F 4D-X-000 001>>
violet orange / diesel eng., 6 cylinder: PR-1BA/0JF; PR-1BG/0JF; PR-1BM/0JF; PR-1BN/0JF; PR-1BT/0JE
(34) 4D0411105DB

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 1 paint mark / F >> 4D-W-020 000*
violet grey / 4 speed automatic: AAH,AEJ
(34) 4D0411105DB

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 1 paint mark / >> 4D-W-020 000*
violet grey / air condit., 5-speed man. gearbox: ACK 6-speed man. gearbox AFB,AKN
(34) 4D0411105DB

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 2 paint marks / F 4D-X-000 001>>
violet grey / 6 cylinder: PR-1BA/0JF; PR-1BG/0JF; PR-1BM/0JF; PR-1BN/0JF; PR-1BT/0JE
(34) 4D0411105DB

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 2 paint marks / F 4D-X-000 001>>
violet grey / 6 cylinder: PR-1BA/0JF; PR-1BG/0JF; PR-1BM/0JF; PR-1BN/0JF; PR-1BT/0JE
(34) 4D0411105DB

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 2 paint marks / F 4D-X-000 001>>
violet grey / 8 cylinder: PR-1BA/0JG; PR-1BG/0JG; PR-1BM/0JG; PR-1BN/0JG; PR-1BT/0JF
(34) 4D0411105AK

coil spring / 2 paint marks / F >> 4D-T-008 500*
green / air condit., 4 speed automatic: AAH,AEJ
(34) 4D0411105AK

coil spring / 2 paint marks / F >> 4D-T-011 000*
green / 5-speed automatic: ACK
(34) 4D0411105BS

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 2 paint marks / F 4D-T-011 001>> 4D-W-020 000 / F 4D-V-012 286>> 4D-W-020 000
brown green / 5-speed automatic: ACK air condit.; 5-speed man. gearbox: AFB,AKN air condit.; 6-speed man. gearbox AHC,AKH
(34) 4D0411105DC

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 3 paint marks / F 4D-X-000 001>>
violet grey / 6 cylinder: PR-1BA/0JG; PR-1BG/0JG; PR-1BM/0JG; PR-1BN/0JG; PR-1BT/0JF
(34) 4D0411105DC

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 3 paint marks / F 4D-X-000 001>>
violet grey / 8 cylinder: PR-1BA/0JH; PR-1BG/0JH; PR-1BM/0JH; PR-1BN/0JH; PR-1BT/0JG
(34) 4D0411105DC

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 3 paint marks / F 4D-X-000 001>>
violet grey / diesel eng., 6 cylinder: PR-1BA/0JH; PR-1BG/0JH; PR-1BM/0JH; PR-1BT/0JG
(34) 4D0411105AL

coil spring / 3 paint marks / F >> 4D-T-011 001*
green / air condit., 5-speed automatic: ACK
(34) 4D0411105DD

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 3 paint marks / F >> 4D-V-020 000 / F >> 4D-V-020 000
violet yellow / air condit.; 5-speed automatic: ACK,AKN,AEW, AKJ 4 speed automatic: AEM,AGH air condit.; AHC,AKH
(34) 4D0411105DD

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 2 paint marks / F 4D-X-000 001>>
violet yellow / 8 cylinder: PR-1BA/0JJ; PR-1BE/0JJ; PR-1BN/0JJ; PR-1BM/0JJ; PR-1BT/0JH
(34) 4D0411105DD

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 2 paint marks / F 4D-X-000 001>>
violet yellow / 6 cylinder: PR-1BA/0JH; PR-1BG/0JH; PR-1BM/0JH; PR-1BN/0JH; PR-1BT/0JJ
(34) 4D0411105DD

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 2 paint marks / F 4D-X-000 001>>
violet yellow / diesel eng., 6 cylinder: PR-1BA/0JJ; PR-1BG/0JJ; PR-1BM/0JJ; PR-1BN/0JJ; PR-1BT/0JH
(34) 4D0411105CB

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 2 paint marks / F >> 4B-W-020 000
brown silver / 5-speed automatic: AEW; 4 speed automatic: AEW; air condit./ 5-speed automatic: AFB,ABZ,AKG, AEM,AGH
(34) 4D0411105DF

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 2 paint marks / F 4D-X-000 001>>
violet green / 6 cylinder: PR-1BA/0JK; PR-1BE/0JK; PR-1BM/0JK; PR/1BN/0JK; PR-1BT/0JJ
(34) 4D0411105AM

coil spring / 1 paint mark / F 4D-T-001 801>> 4D-T-008 000*
silver / air condit., 5-speed automatic: AEW
(34) 4D0411105CC

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 3 paint marks / F >> 4D-V-012 286
brown silver / air condit.; 5-speed automatic: ABZ,AKG,AEM, AGH,AKH,AHC, AEW; 4 speed automatic: ABZ
(34) 4D0411105CC

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 3 paint marks
brown silver / 4 speed automatic: ABZ
(34) 4D0411105CA

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 1 paint mark / F 4D-V-012 287>> 4D-V-020 000
brown silver / air condit.; 5-speed automatic: ABZ,AKG,AEM, AGH,AHC,AKH, AEW,AKJ
(34) 4D0411105DE

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 3 paint marks / F 4D-X-000 001>>
violet yellow / diesel eng., 6 cylinder: PR-1BA/0JK; PR-1BG/0JK; PR-1BM/0JK; PR-1BN/0JK; PR-1BT/0JJ
(34) 4D0411105DE

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 3 paint marks / F 4D-X-000 001>>
violet yellow / 8 cylinder: PR-1BA/0JK; PR-1BG/0JK; PR-1BE/0JK; PR-1BM/0JK; PR-1BN/0JK; PR-1BT/0JJ
(34) 4D0411105DE

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 3 paint marks / F 4D-X-000 001>>
violet yellow / 6 cylinder: PR-1BA/0JJ; PR-1BE/0JJ; PR-1BM/0JJ; PR-1BN/0JJ; PR-1BT/0JH
(34) 4D0411105AR

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 2 paint marks / for vehicles with sports-type running gear / F >> 4D-V-020 000
white yellow / manual- gearbox: AAH,AEJ,ACK
(34) 4D0411105AS

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 3 paint marks / for vehicles with sports-type running gear / F >> 4D-V-020 000
white yellow / 5-speed man. gearbox: ACK air condit.; manual- gearbox: AAH,AEJ
(34) 4D0411105AT

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 1 paint mark / for vehicles with sports-type running gear / F >> 4D-V-020 000
white green / automatic: AAH,AEJ air condit.; 5-speed man. gearbox: ACK
(34) 4D0411105BA

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 2 paint marks / for vehicles with sports-type running gear / F >> 4D-V-020 000
white green / 5-speed automatic: ACK air condit., automatic: AAH
(34) 4D0411105BB

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 3 paint marks / for vehicles with sports-type running gear / F >> 4D-V-020 000
white green / manual- gearbox: AGH,AEM,ABZ; air condit., 5-speed automatic: ACK; 6-speed man. gearbox AHC,AKH
(34) 4D0411105BC

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 1 paint mark / for vehicles with sports-type running gear / F >> 4D-V-020 000
white silver / 5-speed automatic: AEW air condit.; manual- gearbox: AGH,AEM,ABZ, AHC 5-speed automatic: AEW,AKJ 6-speed man. gearbox AKH
(34) 4D0411105BD

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 2 paint marks / for vehicles with sports-type running gear / F >> 4D-V-020 000
white silver / automatic: AGH,AEM,ABZ air condit.; 5-speed automatic: AFZ,AKG,AEM, AFB,AGH
(34) 4D0411105BD

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 2 paint marks / for vehicles with sports-type running gear / F >> 4D-T-001 800* / F 4D-T-001 801>> 4D-V-012 500*
white silver / 5-speed automatic: AEW air condit., 5-speed automatic: AEW
(34) 4D0411105BE

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 3 paint marks / for vehicles with sports-type running gear / F >> 4D-V-020 000
white silver / air condit.; automatic: AGH,AEM,ABZ, AHC,AKH
(34) 4D0411105BE

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 3 paint marks / for vehicles with sports-type running gear / F >> 4D-T-001 800*
white silver / air condit., 5-speed automatic: AEW
(34) 4D0411105AQ

coil spring / for special armoured vehicle
front /
(34) 4D0411105BP

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 2 paint marks / F 4D-W-000 001>>*
(34) 4D0411105BQ

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 3 paint marks / F 4D-W-000 001>>*
(34) 4D0411105DB

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 1 paint mark / F 4D-W-000 001>>*
(34) 4D0411105BS

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 2 paint marks / F 4D-W-000 001>>
(34) 4D0411105DD

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 3 paint marks / F 4D-W-000 001>>
(34) 4D0411105CA

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 1 paint mark / F 4B-W-000 001>>
(34) 4D0411105CB

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 2 paint marks / F 4D-W-000 001>> 4D-X-020 000
(34) 4D0411105DF

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 2 paint marks / F 4B-X-000 001>>
violet green / 6 cylinder: PR-1BA/0JK; PR-1BE/0JK; PR-1BM/0JK; PR/1BN/0JK; PR-1BT/0JJ
(34) 4D0411105DF

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 2 paint marks / F 4D-X-000 001>>
violet green / 8 cylinder: PR-1BA/0JL; PR-1BE/0JL; PR-1BM/0JL; PR-1BN/0JL; PR-1BT70JK
(34) 4D0411105DF

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 2 paint marks / F 4D-X-000 001>>
violet green / diesel eng., 6 cylinder: PR-1BA/0JJ; PR-1BG/0JJ; PR-1BN/0JJ; PR-1BM/0JJ; PR-1BT/0JK
(34) 4D0411105CC

coil spring / 1 FARBSTRICHE / 3 paint marks / F 4D-W-000 001>> 4D-X-000 001
brown silver / PR-0JL: ACK,ALG
(34) 4D0411105DG

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 3 paint marks / F 4D-X-000 001>>
violet green / 6 cylinder: PR-1BA/0JL; PR-1BE/0JL; PR-1BM/0JL; PR-1BN/0JL; PR-1BT/0JK
(34) 4D0411105DG

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 3 paint marks / F 4D-X-000 001>>
violet green / 8 cylinder: PR-1BT/0JL
(34) 4D0411105DG

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 3 paint marks / F 4D-X-000 001>>
violet green / diesel eng., 6 cylinder: PR-1BT/0JL
(34) 4D0411105AR

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 2 paint marks / for vehicles with sports-type running gear / F 4D-W-000 001>>
white yellow / PR-1BE/0JD; PR-1BD/0JD
(34) 4D0411105AS

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 3 paint marks / for vehicles with sports-type running gear / F 4D-W-000 001>>
white yellow / PR-1BE/0JE; PR-1BD/0JE
(34) 4D0411105AT

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 1 paint mark / for vehicles with sports-type running gear / F 4D-W-000 001>>
white green / PR-1BE/0JF; PR-1BD/0JF
(34) 4D0411105BA

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 2 paint marks / for vehicles with sports-type running gear / F 4D-W-000 001>>
white green / PR-1BE/0JG; PR-1BD/0JG
(34) 4D0411105BB

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 3 paint marks / for vehicles with sports-type running gear / F 4D-W-000 001>>
white green / PR-1BE/0JH; PR-1BD/0JH
(34) 4D0411105BC

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 1 paint mark / for vehicles with sports-type running gear / F 4D-W-000 001>>
white silver / PR-1BE/0JJ; PR-1BD/0JJ
(34) 4D0411105BD

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 2 paint marks / for vehicles with sports-type running gear / F 4D-W-000 001>>
white silver / PR-1BE/0JK; PR-1BD/0JK
(34) 4D0411105BE

coil spring / 1 paint mark / 3 paint marks / for vehicles with sports-type running gear / F 4D-W-000 001>>
white silver / PR-1BE/0JL; PR-1BD/0JL
Ostatnio zmieniony 07 sie 2016, 08:09 przez Lukasz_, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.

Awatar użytkownika
Super Klubowicz
Super Klubowicz
Posty: 1139
Rejestracja: 14 maja 2009, 22:27
Lokalizacja: wielkopolska

Post autor: Lechu » 18 sie 2018, 21:11

Ktoś mi podpowie czy coś takiego jest możliwe

Ze przód ma zawieszenie PR-0JK (kropa srebrna i brązowa)
a tył PR-0YT ( 2 zielone kropy)

jak to się ma do zawieszeń po liftowych ?? oznaczenia są troszkę inne.

Awatar użytkownika
Super Klubowicz
Super Klubowicz
Posty: 4712
Rejestracja: 02 sty 2015, 23:30
Lokalizacja: Leiningen - DE

Post autor: danishow » 20 sie 2018, 22:13

Lechu pisze:przód ma zawieszenie PR-0JK (kropa srebrna i brązowa)
Nie ma brązowego koloru w tym zawieszeniu, ktoś już coś tam modził <hmm>
Lechu pisze:a tył PR-0YT ( 2 zielone kropy)
Gdzieś tam musi być jeszcze biała kropka, samych dwóch zielonych nie ma ...albo też już modzone ;)

Generalnie jest ponad 20 różnych sprężyn, dzielą się na trzy grupy ...zawieszenie sportowe, zwykłe i nivo. W każdej grupie jest kilka różnych rodzai w zależności od wyposażenia dodatkowego i wagi całkowitej auta.

Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 6027
Rejestracja: 16 maja 2009, 01:18
Moje auto: S8 D2
Rocznik: 1996
Silnik: V8 4.2
Skrzynia: Manual
Paliwo: Benzyna
Imię: AHC by MTM
Lokalizacja: Těšin

Post autor: dice111 » 20 sie 2018, 23:58

danishow pisze:W każdej grupie jest kilka różnych rodzai w zależności od wyposażenia dodatkowego i wagi całkowitej auta.
Widze, ze temat zdublowany ;p Generalnie chodzi o klasy mas, dlatego tak jak Ci Lechu pisalem jak chcesz wiedziec co tam OE siedzialo - VIN.
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